Sea Moss Strengthens the Immune System and Helps to Prevent Sickness.

Sea Moss helps the body fight back against everyday aging and inflammation, in what could be called "the anti's: Anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral.

Sea moss is used as a treatment to help prevent and relieve cold and flu-like symptoms. It can be used to prevent colds but also help you heal and recover from sickness.

Sea moss contains potassium chloride, which helps the body reduce inflammation and people take it to lower their risk of infections because of its positive impact on the immune system.

Rich in Long-Chain Polysaccharides

Sea Moss is rich in Carbohydrates called Polysaccharides which have been found to help strengthen the immune system. They have been found to assist with the reduction of tumour growth and autoimmune diseases.

These long chain polysaccharides have been found to help manage cholesterol and inflammatory bowel disease.

Polysaccharides also pull water into the skin to boost hydration.